Dead or Alive ?
Dear TestLink users (or potential users):
I get from time to time mails asking : 'is testlink dead?'.
I really do not understand what facts people look for, to declare us dead.
If you measure elapsed time fromlatest stable release, and consider a year a sign of no life, then you are right this projects is dead.
Fortunatelly we know that is alive, evolving at low speed but evolving. We provide constant support on our mantis site, we provide news through this site, and also via twitter. We provide answers (sometimes not the kind of answer some people wants to get) on forum.
Conclusion: TestLink is still here, we are working to make it better, a let be sure we will comunicate if we choose to stop development forever.
If you want to make TestLink stronger, all you need to do is send us an email offering some kind of help like: testing, documentation, or development.
TestLink Dev TeamLink para a notícia: TestLink
Resumindo: O TestLink não morreu, apesar dos seus desenvolvedores concordarem que 1 ano sem atualizações torna o projeto quase morto. O ritmo deles está bem devagar, mas dá para acreditar que em breve poderemos ter novas atualizações!
Estamos no aguardo da versão 1.9.4 e assim que ela for lançada, divulgaremos suas mudanças aqui no blog!
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